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    Sara Pstrowska img 1

    My mum worked for them 4 years ago for almost 2 years, staff was indeed trying their hardest, but the management and the owner didn't care at all. Every paycheque my mum was missing money and needed to argue to get back what she honestly earned. When she was leaving, the owner faked paying her out few thousands pounds (hid it sneakily in her payslip too), on which she needed to pay huge tax. Luckily, he didn't manage to take advantage of her and we got the tax money back. Despite all that she enjoyed working with the people she was taking care of and they in return appreciated her hard work and kindness.

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    Kevin Dyson img 5

    Very nice polite and caring carers Including the manager Highly recommend SureCare. Thankyou to all.

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    Ben McCullough img 4

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    Harpreet Singh img 5

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    Abbs Hurworth76 img 4